
Request Information

How to find us

98 Mill Street, Brantford, ON


(416) 509-9086

Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Process & Next Steps

We appreciate all inquiries!  Please be sure to provide as much information as possible (what product are you looking for, how many, size of the design, include logo if you have one).  We will be sure to respond to your email within 24-48 hours.  We may require additional information, if not, we will send you a quote via e-mail.  Please review and respond to the quote by hitting the accept button to proceed to the payment option.

Once we receive the payment, we will get to work and process your order within the turnaround time specified on your invoice.  Our turnaround time varies according to the product and quantity of your order.

When the order is ready we will notify you via email that your order has shipped and provide you with your tracking details or we will let you know that your order is ready for pick up.